Pushing the boundaries of Transportation

The EPFLoop team took the third place on the podium in the 2019 SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition final in California with its new pod “Bella Lui” !


Recap of EPFLoop 2019 Hyperloop Pod Competition Adventure


Preliminary Design Package

Fall 2018

Final Design Package & Presentation

Winter 2018

Pod Production & Testing

Winter 2018 – Spring 2019

Testing week & Qualification

15-20 July 2019

Competition Day - 3rd place

21 July 2019

Preliminary Design Package

Final Design Package & Presentation

Pod Production & Testing

Testing week & Qualification

Competition Day - 3rd place

Fall 2018

Winter 2018

Winter 2018 – Spring 2019

15-20 July 2019

21 July 2019

Team Vision

Our universal aim of advancing Hyperloop technology and our wish to be included in the shaping of the fifth mode of transportation is what brought us together. Our team is made up of inspiring professors and passionate students from EPFL, all prepared to put our hearts and souls into this futuristic competition. We believe that our diverse backgrounds and robust engineering skills will allow us to achieve our common goal!



Swissmetro concept

In 1974,  EPFL Professor Marcel Jufer first proposed a futuristic and innovative transport metro network that would operate at high speeds, around 500 km/hour, inside low-pressure tunnels. Even today, this legacy still inspires many of the students at EPFL.

Hyperloop Alpha concept

Hyperloop concept

In 2013, Elon Musk published the Hyperloop Alpha design that conceived a system that would transport passengers with a top speed of 1200 km/hour. This marked the beginning of the modern pursuit of hyper-speed transportation.